9 Ways to Help an Arthritic Dog

1) Slim down
If your dog is overweight, help him slim down. Extra weight places extra strain on joints, worsening the pain of arthritis.

2) Gentle exercise
Your dog absolutely still needs regular exercise. This is to keep him moving and from stiffening up. Just make sure it’s controlled, gentle, low impact, and short in duration.

3) Canine massage
Massage eases sore muscles, improves blood circulation, improves range of motion, and relaxes and calms your dog. Plus, it’s a great way to note any new lumps, bumps or sore places.

4) Acupuncture
Acupuncture is not just for people. Veterinary acupuncture stimulates the release of the body’s own pain relieving and anti-inflammatory substances

5) Ramps & pet steps
Help your arthritic dog get up steps, on to a bed, or in and out of cars with a ramp or pet steps.

6) Improved traction
Arthritic dogs are less steady on their feet. Offer them stability with secure rugs for traction or you can check out a product like Toe Grips.

7) Heat
Heating pads relieve aches. Here’s how to make your own DIY warmer: fill a cotton knee length sock with four cups of rice, then knot the end or tie it off with string or stitch it closed. Microwave it for a minute, and you’ve made your dog a heating pad!

8) A comfy, supportive bed
Give your dog a comfortable, supportive bed to ease his weary bones. A well-padded resting spot goes a long way.

9) Natural supplements
When your dog shows signs of arthritis, there are a number of natural anti-inflammatory supplements that you can try before resorting to medications. First and foremost is fish oil, a source of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which reduce inflammation and provide other benefits to the body. Be sure to use fish body oil, such as salmon oil. In a Canadian study, arthritic dogs that were fed a diet containing high levels of omega-3 fatty acids from fish showed significant improvement in locomotor disability (problems moving around) and performance of daily activities

Mild cases of arthritis respond well to vitamins C and E.

Herbs like tumeric, cinnamon and devil’s claw can reduce inflammation and pain. Devil’s claw should not be given to daibetic dogs though.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin are also popular natural remedies that support healthy joints by enhancing the cartilage between the joints. These supplements can help halt the degeneration of the cartilage and help the body rebuild it.

* Be sure to check with your vet to see which supplements are suitable for your dog. Some natural remedies can react with medications your dog may be on.


Paws fur Life, canine massage & nutrition. A healthy dog is a happy dog